The first priority of budget travellers out on a budget trip is to know the amount of money he has at hand. Knowing the amount of budget in one’s hand not only helps in cutting down expenses but also helps in planning the trip in the best way possible. The number of people down to York for tourist purposes has been on a steady rise.
For people coming to England and looking to travel to York, especially on a budget trip there are plenty of do’s and don’t’s. Here are some of them, which might be necessary Do’s or Don’ts for you:
- Try not to book in a York hotel if you have a low budget. A hostel would suffice for your purpose. They are way cheaper than a hotel and coupled with breakfast there, can significantly bring down your expenses.
- Having your lunch and dinner at pubs can work for your benefit. They are cheaper than restaurants and can cut down on your expense bill. Though there are always deals for tourists in the restaurants, but finding them is the challenge. Triptromp has solved this challenge for tourists.
- Do not take a travel guide unnecessarily. Most of the tourist attractions in England have self-guided tours and you would not need another guide to accompany you. Moreover, tourist guides are expensive and should only be hired when you really want to know something, like a historical site.
- Do great research on the fare tickets to book one with the cheapest airfare. Try to book with the airline website themselves, as the fee for cancellation would then be minimal. Third-party websites do not always offer this flexibility, but Triptromp does.!
Road trips
For those having a desire to embark on a road trip while in England, it would be worthy to note that according to rules, if you wanted to rent or drive a car in England, you would need a state issued driver’s license. Greece people and Italians though, can drive all the way from their country to England. Also, to keep a note is the fact that unlike American cities, cities in England do not have the grid-like appearance and it may be pretty difficult to navigate through the streets without a proper detailed road map.
Find out more about how to make the most of your York holiday here:
The Highway Code is also an essential read as well as other laws related to driving. Do at least have a cursory glance through them as you might find it uncommon that the British drive on the left side of the road and that it necessitates passing on the right (these would be especially uncomfortable to US people in England, as they are accustomed to driving on the left side of the car on the left side of the road). It would be a good idea to have your own medical insurance too, especially as you would be roaming around a lot.
Also, if your stay in England is more than a month, you might just consider yourself buying a car! Crazy as it might sound, it actually saves costs! A car comes from as little as a £1000 whereas if you rent a car for a month, you might even have to shell out around £2500.